Rhinoplasty is one of the most preferred and applied surgeries. With rhinoplasty, it is aimed to obtain a nose which is anatomically compatible. As everyone has a different nose and face structure, this procedure should be planned personally and special requests should be taken into account. If the patient has breath problems, intranasal deformations affecting breathing can be corrected with surgeries.
Frequently asked questions
How much does rhinoplasty last?
Duration of the surgery is depending on the problems of the nose. It takes 90-120 minutes on average. This duration may be longer if the patient has had a previous rhinoplasty.
How is rhinoplasty carried out?
Rhinoplasty should be carried out under operating room conditions and general anesthesia.
Can everyone undergo rhinoplasty?
For this operation, generally the patient is waited to turn 18 when nose cartilage and bones complete their improvements. But if the patient has a significant problem and difficulty in breathing, this age is decreased.
Those who have psychological problems and perceptual disorder should be evaluated by psychiatry.
What do open and close techniques mean?
In open surgery, the skin between nostrils are incised and intranasal structures are revealed. In closed surgery, incision is not made and intranasal structures are reached through nostrils. Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages. It is possible to obtain good results with both approaches with the technique and careful approach by the surgeon.
Will tampon be placed in my nose during operation? Will I feel pain during removal of tampons?
Classical nasal tampons are rarely used today. Today, silicone apparatus which can be placed, removed and folded easily are used. If no intervention is made doe breathing, these apparatus may not be used.
Will I have bruise and swelling after the operation?
Bruise and swelling may occur as bone and cartilage structures are shaped in rhinoplasty surgeries. But, bruise and swelling can be decreased with some procedures applied during and after the operation.
When can I start work after the operation?
After the operation, the patient can return to daily life after 2 days and start to work after 1 week or 10 days depending on the job.
How can I know the look of my nose after the operation?
We can benefit from some computer programs to predict look of the nose. Also, you can explain your physician the type of nose you want with before and after photos.
Will I have plaster on my nose after the operation?
In rhinoplasty procedure, if bones are intervened, classical plaster and thermoplastic splints can be used to protect and shape these structures. These splints are removed after 1 week.
To what should I pay attention after removal of the plaster?
After the plaster is removed, shape of the nose can be seen, the patient is supposed to protect the nose against crushes. It is aimed to decrease the swelling with the massage.
When can I have shower?
You can have shower the next day after the operation, but you should be careful to keep away plaster from water to prevent loosing. For this reason, hair can be washed by bending back. After the plaster is removed, you can take whole body shower by taking care of the nose.
When can I start to wear eyeglasses?
You should pay attention to eyeglasses wearing until bone structures recover after the operation. Long-term eyeglasses wearing may damage swollen tissues and cause bending. After 608 weeks, eyeglasses can be worn easily.
How is the price of operation determined?
Price of the operation is determined depending on nose structure of the patient, amount of the procedures to be applied, the hospital where the operation will be carried out, and hospitalization time.