Thread Face Lift
This procedure which is known as thread lifting, golden knitting etc. is carried out with threads passed subcutaneously and holding the skin with different mechanisms. These threads are produced from soluble materials which can also be used in surgeries. They hold the skin from the tight area with different colors, spirals or cones. When these threads are absorbed, subcutaneous collagen production is stimulated.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. Type of the thread and application area should be determined before the operation. Each thread has a different technique, the basic procedure is to enable the thread to reach the intended area subcutaneously.
As local anesthesia is applied, the procedure does not cause any pain and takes 45 min. Mild bruising and swelling may occur. After the procedure, you should pay attention to gestures. Ice application is effective in control examination after the procedure.
Effect is observed instantly and increases within 3 weeks 3 months.